Should we test students before and after teaching?

BadenPowell Broll ALL.00 17 23 04.Still032

When students hear the word “test” they start to wonder if they paid enough attention in class or took down the correct notes. They start planning how much time is needed to study (or how little) and consider how to best juggle all their subject requirements. But should testing really cause this much concern, or […]

How to stop students from forgetting

ParkRidgeSHS BROLL UHD Selects 00 29 38 11

It’s not unusual for students to forget what they have learnt – whether it be from a week ago, a term ago, or a year ago – but why do they forget? Learning is all about transferring information from our working memories to our long-term memories; the better we can do that, the less likely […]

Is personalised learning as difficult as we think? 

ParkRidgeSHS BROLL UHD Selects 01 03 27 11

Textbooks have long been the preferred classroom resource but as more educational research comes to light and national progress in maths remains in decline, it’s becoming more evident that it’s time to reconsider our relationship with textbooks.   The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) ranks Australian students 10th out of the 81 participating countries, which […]

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