A homeschooling program tailored to the learning needs of your child

Meet your child at their point of need, fill in gaps and extend their knowledge with a researched-based model for Years 5-10.

Explore our program

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Your child begins by completing a diagnostic assessment that:

  • Identifies what your child knows and doesn’t yet know
  • Informs what they need to learn next
  • Generates their tailored learning journey

Personalised learning

Next, your child will access curriculum-aligned content in the form of modules.

  • Each module consists of carefully crafted worksheets and instructional videos to help your child acquire particular knowledge and skills.
  • Students access their modules via their online portal (or you can print them off) and complete handwritten notes in their workbooks.
  • Every two weeks, students will have the chance to prove their mastery over the work they have completed in a test.
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Curriculum-aligned content

Our learning content is aligned with the curriculum in each state and covers grades 1 to 10. You’ll have access to 451 modules and explainer videos that assist with the learning of new concepts.

Formative assessments

At the end of a learning cycle, your child will complete a test that determines their progress and what learning should take place next.

Unlike other standardised tests that may induce anxiety, students are only tested on the work they have recently completed. This makes it more of an opportunity to prove what they know, rather than dread what they don’t. It’s an essential part of the process that helps to determine the next steps in a student’s learning.

Maths Pathway also measures 3 very important areas:

Effort Rate

Effort rate is the percentage of modules completed out the modules they have been assigned in that learning cycle. High effort is associated with productive learning habits, while low effort may mean a student needs to dedicate more time to their work or focus more in the time they do have.

Accuracy rate is the percentage of modules mastered on a test out of those assessed. Developing habits such as completing every question, correcting your work as you go, and correcting mistakes as you go help students achieve higher accuracy rates.

Growth is a really important piece of feedback for students as it emphasises the value of continual development. A student’s growth rate reflects their progress through the curriculum in a calendar year. All students should be striving to make a year’s worth of growth for a year’s worth of effort.

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A tutor can answer any questions that you or your child have.

It’s really important to have humans checking work as they can quickly identify misconceptions and pick up on silly mistakes in your child’s work that other programs would mark wrong.

Maths Pathway in Action

Our intuitive program empowers homeschooling families by providing the tools and resources that track progress and ensure your child receives a well-rounded maths education.

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Looking for fun homeschooling maths activities?

Download free activities for Years 5-10

Empower your child’s maths education

Success for your child:

By delivering learning that fits each individual’s ability, Maths Pathway will develop success and understanding, no matter what level they start at.

All content in the Maths Pathway program is curriculum mapped, so you can be sure that your child is meeting their state-based requirements.

Hundreds of thousands of students have helped us make Maths Pathway intuitive and easy to use. Your child’s work will be reviewed by real tutors who provide them with feedback. Plus, you’ll be kept up to date with regular insight reports.

Our team of learning experts adapts and improves the content in Maths Pathway every two weeks! You can be assured your child is always receiving the best learning material possible.

You’ll have access to reports that meet every state’s homeschooling requirements. Illustrate clear growth and progression across every concept with our reporting tool.

Maths Pathway at Home combines proven learning science with the latest education technology to bring your family a personalised learning model.

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Case studies

Josh's Growth

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Expected Growth
Josh's Growth

Meet Josh

Josh is in Year 5 and started with Maths Pathway at Home with a learning level of 5.2. In five short months, Josh grew his learning by 1.47 years and is now confidently working at a year 6.7 level.

“Maths in the classroom was often too easy and I got bored working at the pace of the whole class. Using Maths Pathway at Home, I have been able to fill the gaps in my understanding and now I’m working way above where I would be in the classroom. I’m learning to love maths because I’m always challenged the right amount.” – Josh, Student

Lucy's Growth

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Expected Growth
Lucy's Growth

Meet Lucy

When Lucy started her journey with Maths Pathway at Home she was learning at a year 6.3 level. In just 7 months she has caught up by 1.36 years and is now working at a year 7.6 level.

“My daughter loves using Maths Pathway at Home! She can work very independently and loves the way the lessons are delivered. She is now mastering subjects at a Year 9 and 10 levels while consolidating her knowledge of the Year 8 concepts, which is exciting for her as a Year 8 student.” – Lucy’s mum

Steven's Growth

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Expected Growth
Steven's Growth

Meet Steven

Steven was in Year 7 when he started learning with Maths Pathway at Home. He was learning at a year 7.1 level, but now is working at a year 8.5 level by achieving an amazing 1.4 years of growth.

“Maths Pathway is a fundamental part of my homeschooling program. I feel relieved to know my son is working at his own level, at the same time it is great to be able to monitor his progress. The support of the Maths Pathways team is consistently good and at any time you can request a report of your child’s progress which is handy for the yearly homeschool reports we need to complete.”

How do we compare?

Maths Pathway at Home
Online Maths Games
Private Tutoring
Aligned to the curriculum
Builds metacognitive skills
Focused on long-term success in maths
Focused on mastery learning
Applies up-to-date learning science
Uses data to continually improve content
Affordable quarterly & annual subscriptions

How to get started

At Maths Pathway, we identify every child’s learning gaps from the start, so they can work on filling them and creating a solid foundation from which more maths learning can grow.

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Step 1

Sign up for a free trial and we’ll create your personalised account

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Step 2

Run an adaptive diagnostic test to pinpoint your child’s place along the learning continuum

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Step 3

Access your child’s personalised journey with the maths content they are ready to learn

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Step 4

See your child excel and build confidence in their maths abilities

Choose a subscription that suits you!

New family pricing!

Only pay for 2 children
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$299/ year

$29.00 (billed monthly)
Tutor Supported

$399/ year

$39.00 (billed monthly)
*All plans and prices include GST


Who is Maths Pathway at Home best suited to?

Maths Pathway at Home is a homeschooling program and meets all state and reporting requirements for homeschoolers.

Yes. The Maths Pathway Student Portal will run on both computers (laptops, Chromebooks and desktops) as well as touch devices like Android tablets and iPads.

Yes. Our learning content is developed by the Maths Pathway learning team and is written to the ACARA Maths 1-10 Curriculum. It is subsequently mapped to all separate State curriculums/syllabi including the Australian Curriculum, Victorian Curriculum and NSW Syllabus.

When you sign up, you’ll be able to access regular reports on your child’s progress through their portal.

You can contact us at [email protected]

Maths Pathway is designed for students from grades 5 and up. Younger students can use the program successfully, if they have solid learning and technology-usage skills. There is no upper limit on the age at which you can learn maths; the content in Maths Pathway covers up to Year 10A (Stage 5.3).

Maths Pathway is a comprehensive Learning and Teaching Model, rather than simply an online product to supplement maths.


  • Personalised learning pathway
  • World-leading curriculum quality
  • Covers content from Grade 1 through Year 10
  • Automated online assessments
  • Student-led independent learning approach

Annually $299 (billed annually), $29.00 (billed monthly)

Tutor Supported

  • Personalised learning pathway
  • World-leading curriculum quality
  • Covers content from Grade 1 through Year 10
  • Combines online and offline assessments
  • Questions answered by a real human tutor

Annually: $399 (billed annually), $39.00 (billed monthly)

All plans and prices include GST

Need more help?

We’re here to answer your questions! Complete the form to find out more about how Maths Pathway can help you and your school.


Free Resources

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Ready to explore Maths Pathway for yourself? Get started with a free trial today!

Sign up for a free trial

Ready to explore Maths Pathway for yourself? Get started with a free trial today!