The Lakes College – A Maths Pathway case study

  • 3 minute read
  • 19 July 2023

Ensuring we are meeting students where they are at is the key to academic success, but there can be so many barriers to successfully achieving this. When we do find something that supports us to foster personalised learning, the shift in students’ academic success, performance and attitude is remarkable.

“Are our kids having success in the classroom? Are they learning? Are they growing?” Tim Huppatz, Maths teacher at The Lakes College asked. “These are the things we want to focus on.”

“We’re a growing school, and an ambitious school, and looking to do our best, not just for the students that come here, but also for our community.” explained Head of Secondary, Matthew Stein. “Investing in Maths Pathway allows our students to have evidence-based learning so they know when they’re achieving.”

The Lakes College

“How we teach now isn’t going to be the same as how we year in 10, 20 or 30 years. Change is something that is a part of the greater world.” said Tim of how adapting teaching approaches can set students up to succeed. 

The Lakes College saw a values-alignment in how using Maths Pathway would contribute to both their students’ maths and school community goals.

“We want the culture of “if you try, if you put effort in, and if you focus in that area, then you are going to have success.”

The Lakes College saw the benefits of the way Maths Pathway champions students to be individually motivated learners, and to master different components. 

“Maths Pathway allows us to have a program that caters to individual needs. It enables us to actually fill those gaps that the students might have.” said Katrina Tilley, Dean of Students (7-9) “It’s not the traditionalism you often see in a classroom – we have the breakout rooms, whole classroom setting, micro-teaching.”

Tim agreed, adding “[with Maths Pathway] every single student has a unique and individualised path through the curriculum, no matter what level they’re at.”

Maths Pathway’s Learning and Teaching Model supports teachers to deliver personalised learning to every student, increasing growth and engagement in the classroom. The model encompasses small group and whole class lessons, along with one-on-one feedback sessions creating a holistic learning environment. 

“It’s not just book work, it’s not just numbers, it’s more about your problem solving, your thinking, your application to the real world, your reasoning.” Tim shared about implementing Maths Pathway in class.

“The program enables them to be able to ask questions of their peers sitting next to them. Students are working independently of the teacher, and then you can hone in and focus and go “Okay, i’m going to take these six students for a mini-lesson on this concept cause that’s the gap and that’s what they need. Your impact is going to be so much stronger.”

The difference

By focussing on personalised learning, Maths Pathway supports students to excel at the components they have previously found difficult. 

“Over the course of a year, [students] experience much more than one year’s worth of academic and education growth” said Matthew.

“No longer is there the top 10% of the class which is going to be your “A” standard. Everyone can reach the top, they’re just going to get to the top at different points in time.” Tim reflected. “Students are now better organised, they’re able to follow through with content, take notes and actually apply their knowledge.”

The detailed reporting Maths Pathway provides gives educators a clear snapshot of how students are progressing, where they are stuck and what they are mastering. Another feature of the Maths Pathway model that really supported the team at The Lakes College was the ongoing professional development and support from their School Improvement Consultant, Bec. 

“[Bec is there] to make sure our students have success and our staff have success.” Tim shared. “She’s supported us when we’ve needed in terms of pedagogy, implementation, parent communication, celebrating student success, all of the different avenues that are the teaching and learning model ”

The future

A student’s relationship to academic success can impact their confidence and overall relationship to that subject. In using the Maths Pathway model, The Lakes College is not only equipping their students with the skills to take on maths at their own pace, they’re setting them up to succeed.

“If they [the students] can experience a sense of belonging or belief everyday, then I think we’ve done our job really well” shared Matthew.

By empowering their students with the tools to master and excel academically, The Lakes College is leading the way in building a culture where students enjoy and thrive at maths. Maths Pathway is proud to work with and support a school where students are not only progressing in maths, but are also excited to continue their mastery journey.

“We’ve given [our students] the tools that they need to be able to face challenges in the future, and to be able to overcome them.” Tim reflected. “We’re having an impact here.”

Author: Maths Pathway

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