Developing strong student-teacher relationships

  • 2 minute read
  • 30 September 2022

Every teacher wants to give their students the best possible chance to succeed in every class they attend and at every stage of their learning. But this can be difficult when time and resources are holding both students and teachers back.

The relationship between student and teacher is such an important one, and has only become more crucial through the global pandemic. It’s not just central to learning, it can also have long-lasting effects on academic and social development, wellbeing and students’ academic confidence.

“Success does not look the same for every student in every class”

According to a 2014 study by McCormick and O’Connor, students who have strong, positive relationships with their teachers are more likely to reach higher levels of achievement compared to those who don’t.

They also found that positive student-teacher relationships in primary school contributed to increased achievement in reading, while relationships with conflict were linked to lower reading outcomes. 

It’s a similar story for maths. Students who work in classrooms with a higher level of emotional support have increased engagement in their learning. Students in these environments are also more motivated to learn maths and are more willing to help their peers learn new concepts. 

This is something we saw firsthand with Maths Pathway school and case study: Park Ridge State High School

Their team was determined to find a learning solution that met all of their students’ needs while also connecting their community.

Their journey with Maths Pathway began by creating an environment where their students felt empowered to learn and were given the opportunities they needed to fill the gaps that exist in their learning.

“If you’re just teaching to the middle you’re really losing those students at the top end and at the lower end who need that further support.”

The Maths Pathway Learning and Teaching Model supported PRSHS teachers to deliver personalised learning to every student, increasing growth and engagement in the classroom. The model encompasses small group tuition and whole class lessons, along with one-on-one feedback sessions which helped create a holistic learning environment, which was their key to success.

“[Now] everyone comes into the classroom with an expectation, a high expectation, this entire time, is all going to be about learning and engaging mathematically with strategies, and with learning that’s fun.”

We know that it can challenging for teachers to develop strong, productive relationships with every student that they teach

Maths Pathway brings relationships to the forefront, building in dedicated time for teachers to meet with every student to set learning goals, reflect on their learning and discuss continuous progress. And with live data on hand, teachers can get a clear picture of each student’s current learning needs so they can provide meaningful feedback and direction.

By understanding students learning profiles teachers really get to know their students and can create a strong foundation for a positive learning environment. They can afford the time to encourage each individual to recognise their progress and experience success in maths. Often, for the very first time.

Author: Maths Pathway

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