Every teacher wants to give their students the best possible chance to succeed in every class they attend and at every stage of their learning. But this can be difficult when time and resources are holding both students and teachers back
“In a traditional classroom, if you’re just teaching to the middle you’re really losing those students at the top end and at the lower end who need that further support. Even though it may seem like you’re teaching, not every student is always learning.”
Our learning model supports students to be empowered and not only understand maths, but excel at it. This belief is supported by a passionate community of education leaders and dedicated schools who know that it is not one key element that results in success.
Case Studies from our Maths Pathway community provide real stories straight from classrooms across the country. These stories show true differentiation in the classroom is possible and the data captured backs up this significant learning curve. These stories also show that by teaming up with Maths Pathway, the passion and commitment from our community of teachers is making all the difference for their students.
Park Ridge State High School is one of our Case Studies that found success through our model.
“Students were coming to us with huge, huge gaps in their learning. I had teachers coming to me ripping their hair out, saying I can’t physically differentiate for the different levels in my classroom.” – Bridget Mallory, Acting HOD Junior Mathematics at Park Ridge State High School
Our Learning and Teaching Model supports teachers to deliver personalised learning to every student, increasing growth and engagement in the classroom. The model encompasses small group and whole class lessons, along with one-on-one feedback sessions creating a holistic learning environment, with detailed data captured to show student progress.

Another of our case study schools, Concordia Lutheran College found our data set their teachers up (and excited them!) for what opportunities it opened for their classes.
“Data is one of the most powerful things that we can look at to help us make our decisions.” – Paul Baker, Year 6 Mathematics teacher, Concordia Lutheran College
Good data drives good results, as the saying goes. But real-time, pin-point accurate, dynamically fluid student data that’s not just collected, but actually used everyday — now, imagine the results that can produce.
As students work through their modules and move towards mastery, teachers are able to use data to understand what pace students are progressing and what action is needed. Whether it’s targeted intervention, mini lessons or getting a snapshot of the class as a whole, we support teachers to see just how their students are tracking and what steps to take to support their student next.
“It’s so easy to identify where every student is”. – Karin McKenzie, Head of Department and Mathematics Teacher, Concordia Lutheran College
With the level of data the Maths Pathway model provides to teachers, it really is that easy to see students excel in maths.
But how does this relate to engagement in the classroom? Well, if learning at your own unique level on the continuum equals strong engagement, then first we must pinpoint where you are on that continuum, before we know exactly how to personalise the learning experience.

“I finally get it!” – Year 6 student, St Mary’s Primary School
The connection between personalised learning students feeling success in a maths class is also a key component of our model. St Mary’s Primary School is another case study school who found their students were facing barriers before even walking into the classroom, with their student attitude towards maths impacting academic results.
“Students can see success quickly, which encourages them to try something else, and then they have success in that, and then they keep moving forward and success builds on success.” – Phillip Smith, Principal, St Mary’s School
By partnering with Maths Pathway, the school was able to see strong growth rates both in their academic results, but also their attitudes towards the subject. Being empowered by modules that reach each student on their level led to students achieving mastery and feeling more confident in the classroom overall.
At Maths Pathway our purpose is clear. We want to build a future where every child leaves school unafraid of maths and ready to apply their mathematical toolkit to the challenges they face in life.
Our case study schools have all taken steps to make a difference to maths education at their school and for their students. This empowering difference is driven by passion and knowledge that maths education can be better – it is possible to meet students where they are at, to have access to accurate data and to change students perceptions of their maths ability.
We cannot wait to see what other stories come out of these schools and our Maths Pathway classrooms across the country.
To read more about what the Maths Pathway community has been up to, download our 2023 Impact Report below.