All the resources you need to teach Measurement Error

  • 2 minute read
  • 27 October 2021

Measurement Error is an important area of Science – particularly when various instruments are used. Chemistry, Physics, Food Science and Engineering all study the precision of measurements taken from instruments and the errors they produce.

Until the new new Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 was released, we hadn’t seen Measurement Error taught up to Year 10 in maths. It was traditionally the domain of senior Science courses. But when the new curriculum is released in early 2022, Measurement Error will be included in Year 10 maths. 

To help teachers prepare for this change, our team of teachers has put together a suite of resources including modules, assessments, videos and a discussion paper outlining the details of the new requirements and how these requirements can be met in a practical way. 

These resources are designed for both teachers who have not taught Measurement Error before and teachers with experience teaching it in senior Science courses who will benefit from considering how far to take the topic in Year 10 mathematics. 

Download the resources now!

About the Authors

Lead Author
Anna McGann
Anna has always been passionate about maths and maths education. This led to her completing a PhD in Applied Mathematics at UNSW in 2019, earning a ‘Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses’ in the process. Throughout her PhD course, Anna facilitated group and individual mathematics tutorials at UNSW and presented her mathematical research at national and international conferences. For the past 2 years, Anna has been a Learning Specialist at Maths Pathway where she works to create pedagogical mathematics content designed to help students enjoy maths as much as she does.

Justin Matthys
A member of the physics research group that discovered the Higgs Boson, Justin swapped his research career for one in teaching. Now, he dedicates his talents to changing the terrible truth that he experienced as a classroom teacher: despite teachers’ best efforts, too many students were graduating with little to no understanding of mathematics. At the Maths Pathway office, Justin works tirelessly to ensure the Learning and Teaching Model is translated into the best possible tools, content and classroom routines. Justin lives and breathes innovation and will leave no stone unturned in the search to help teachers maximise the impact they have on students.

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Author: Maths Pathway

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